30 Day Age Gratefully Challenge

Hello my lovely readers,

I decided to take part in a 30 day challenge about Aging Gratefully. 

#agegratefully23 was the hashtag to view everyone's posts. It really made me think about getting older and my views surrounding the process. It was uplifting to see so many woman Aging Gratefully & Gracefully.

I posted almost daily throughout November. Some days I played a little catch-up & three days I just couldn't get into the mindset. 

The topics were~

1. Hi! 

2. Cozy Comfort

3. Vintage

4. Note to Younger Self

5. Time

6. Freedom

7. Now vs. Then

8. My ___ Era

9. Topsy-turvy {no post}

10. Strong

11. Thank You {no post}

12. Imperfect

13. Bold

14. Roots

15. Vulnerable 

16. With These Hands

17. Black & White

18. Peaceful 

19. Action {not in video}

20. Wisdom

21. Change

22. Colorful

23. Thankful - on Thanksgiving

24. Rest

25. Mantra {no post}

26. Powerful

27. Vibrant {not in video}

28. One Thing

29. Reflect

30. Looking Forward

You can see all the posts on my personal IG page @stephanieleonacross

The video is a recap of the month

Until next time...